
发布者 ourjs  发布时间 1378272045000
关键字 大话编程 
我刚刚发现了Github Archive, 一个使用Google BigQuery记录Github事件的表单。非常有意思,我决定去计算一下使用各个语言创建的开源项目的数目:

SELECT repository_language, count(repository_language) AS repos_by_lang
FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline]
WHERE repository_fork == "false"
AND type == "CreateEvent"
AND PARSE_UTC_USEC(repository_created_at) >= PARSE_UTC_USEC('2013-01-01 00:00:00')
AND PARSE_UTC_USEC(repository_created_at) < PARSE_UTC_USEC('2013-08-30 00:00:00')
GROUP BY repository_language
ORDER BY repos_by_lang DESC

结果是: 2013年排名前20的语言:

By # of repositories created on Github so far this year:
Rank Language # Repositories Created
1 JavaScript 264131
2 Ruby 218812
3 Java 157618
4 PHP 114384
5 Python 95002
6 C++ 78327
7 C 67706
8 Objective-C 36344
9 C# 32170
10 Shell 28561
11 CSS 17813
12 Perl 15412
13 CoffeeScript 11133
14 VimL 7857
15 Scala 6918
16 Go 6884
17 Prolog 5829
18 Clojure 4904
19 Haskell 4681
20 Lua 4048

看 Clojure 已经进入 20强了! 还有Haskell.




接下来,我们可以看看2012的排名, (Jan 1 - Aug. 30):

SELECT repository_language, count(repository_language) AS repos_by_lang
FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline]
WHERE repository_fork == "false"
AND type == "CreateEvent"
AND PARSE_UTC_USEC(repository_created_at) >= PARSE_UTC_USEC('2012-01-01 00:00:00')
AND PARSE_UTC_USEC(repository_created_at) < PARSE_UTC_USEC('2012-08-30 00:00:00')
GROUP BY repository_language
ORDER BY repos_by_lang DESC


By # of repositories created on Github from Jan. 1 through Aug. 30, 2012
Rank Language # Repositories Created
1 Ruby 344825
2 JavaScript 296564
3 Java 265223
4 C 212393
5 PHP 173938
6 Python 173727
7 C++ 93764
8 Shell 72006
9 Perl 48620
10 C# 43665
11 Objective-C 41536
12 VimL 18077
13 Go 16224
14 CoffeeScript 15722
15 Scala 14262
16 Haskell 10402
17 Clojure 9748
18 Tcl 9633
19 Emacs Lisp 8567
20 Groovy 6973



Perl 在2013年大幅下滑
Tcl 2012年没有出现,Github没有给他分类吗?
Groovy 在2013年消失了
Go 在2013年没有2013年受欢迎
 CSS 在2013年没有被统计
CSS showed up nowhere in 2012


Rank Language # Repositories Created
1 JavaScript 264131
2 Ruby 218812
3 Java 157618
4 PHP 114384
5 Python 95002
6 C++ 78327
7 C 67706
8 Objective-C 36344
9 C# 32170
10 Shell 28561
11 CSS 17813
12 Perl 15412
13 CoffeeScript 11133
14 VimL 7857
15 Scala 6918
16 Go 6884
17 Prolog 5829
18 Clojure 4904
19 Haskell 4681
20 Lua 4048
Rank Language # Repositories Created
21 Puppet 3437
22 Groovy 3372
23 R 2980
24 Emacs Lisp 2919
25 ActionScript 2413
26 Matlab 2395
27 Arduino 2238
28 Erlang 2061
29 OCaml 2049
30 Visual Basic 1854
31 ASP 1268
32 Processing 1207
33 Common Lisp 1153
34 Assembly 1051
35 Logos 1027
36 TypeScript 972
37 Dart 950
38 D 936
39 Delphi 901
40 Scheme 882
Rank Language # Repositories Created
41 FORTRAN 794
42 PowerShell 771
43 XML 632
44 Racket 610
45 Elixir 573
46 ColdFusion 507
47 XSLT 496
48 Apex 484
49 F# 473
50 Haxe 455
51 Verilog 444
52 Julia 387
53 Tcl 338
54 AutoHotkey 338
55 Vala 321
56 VHDL 313
57 Rust 282
58 LiveScript 192
59 SuperCollider 151
60 Standard ML 139
Rank Language # Repositories Created
61 AppleScript 121
62 DOT 118
63 Ada 109
64 Coq 99
65 OpenEdge ABL 86
66 Gosu 76
67 Pure Data 73
68 Smalltalk 63
69 Kotlin 61
70 Lasso 57
71 Eiffel 55
72 Io 53
73 M 53
74 XQuery 52
75 Nemerle 49
76 Scilab 44
77 Objective-J 43
78 Awk 42
79 Slash 38
80 XProc 35
Rank Language # Repositories Created
81 Xtend 33
82 Nimrod 31
83 CLIPS 24
84 Boo 24
85 Ceylon 23
86 ooc 22
87 MoonScript 22
88 DCPU-16 ASM 19
89 Rebol 17
90 Factor 17
91 Ragel in Ruby Host 15
92 Bro 14
93 Dylan 13
94 Monkey 12
95 Nu 11
96 Arc 10
97 Augeas 9
98 PogoScript 8
99 Turing 6
100 XC 5
Rank Language # Repositories Created
1 Ruby 344825
2 JavaScript 296564
3 Java 265223
4 C 212393
5 PHP 173938
6 Python 173727
7 C++ 93764
8 Shell 72006
9 Perl 48620
10 C# 43665
11 Objective-C 41536
12 VimL 18077
13 Go 16224
14 CoffeeScript 15722
15 Scala 14262
16 Haskell 10402
17 Clojure 9748
18 Tcl 9633
19 Emacs Lisp 8567
20 Groovy 6973
Rank Language # Repositories Created
21 Lua 6474
22 Erlang 5784
23 ActionScript 4777
24 Puppet 3926
25 R 3386
26 Matlab 2828
27 D 2740
28 Common Lisp 2529
29 Arduino 2459
30 Assembly 1882
31 Visual Basic 1821
32 Vala 1614
33 Scheme 1565
34 Delphi 1370
35 OCaml 1330
36 Smalltalk 1313
37 FORTRAN 1269
38 Dart 1174
39 ASP 1042
40 HaXe 983
Rank Language # Repositories Created
41 ColdFusion 966
42 Prolog 956
43 F# 670
44 PowerShell 652
45 Racket 614
46 CSS 530
47 Verilog 523
48 VHDL 473
49 Eiffel 406
50 Parrot 270
51 Apex 265
52 AutoHotkey 258
53 Rust 234
54 Scilab 230
55 DCPU-16 ASM 229
56 XML 206
57 Elixir 189
58 Ada 182
59 Coq 174
60 XQuery 155
Rank Language # Repositories Created
61 Julia 151
62 Pure Data 147
63 SuperCollider 131
64 Standard ML 127
65 XSLT 102
66 Kotlin 98
67 Powershell 93
68 Io 92
69 Objective-J 84
70 TypeScript 81
71 OpenEdge ABL 76
72 Nemerle 61
73 AppleScript 57
74 Haxe 54
75 Gosu 47
76 Factor 44
77 Logos 43
78 Processing 40
79 Logtalk 34
80 Dylan 34
Rank Language # Repositories Created
81 Nimrod 32
82 Ceylon 32
83 ooc 30
84 Opa 30
85 Boo 27
86 Fancy 26
87 Turing 26
88 Mirah 22
89 Max/MSP 21
90 Bro 17
91 Xtend 14
92 Rebol 13
93 LiveScript 12
94 Lasso 11
95 Arc 11
96 Augeas 8
97 DOT 6
98 Fantom 5
99 Awk 5
100 Max 4